Andra Millian - Traditional Chinese Medicine - Austin, TX
Andra Millian is currently in private practice in Austin, Texas

Andra Millian is an alumnus in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Master of Chinese Herbal Medicine from the top TCM University in the United States, Yo San University in Los Angeles. While attending Yo San U, Andra had the great privilege of being chosen as the first graduate student to use her skill set working in Integrative Medicine along side the Pediatric Surgeons and Anesthesiologists at University of California Los Angeles Medical Center for Pediatric Pain.

Practicing in her beloved Austin since 2001, Andra employs her uniquely balanced skill set to deliver PAIN RELIEF & renewed quality of life, gently, with great respect for each individual.

She treats the whole person with a focus on Chronic Ailments & Healthy Aging, utilizing Acupuncture & related non invasive therapeutic procedures such as Cupping, Far In-fared Heat, Acupressure, Chinese Herbal Medicine & Targeted Nutritional Protocols.


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